

The Spanish Biogas Association (AEBIG) was founded in November 2009 by a group of companies dedicated to agro-industrial biogas, covering all its uses: electricity, thermal and self-consumption. Its scope of action includes all organisations, whether companies, institutions or other entities, that carry out activities in the renewable gas sector.

AEBIG represents the entire value chain of the sector, including plant developers/developers, engineering firms, technologists, equipment suppliers, energy companies and technology and academic centres, both nationally and in France, Italy, Germany and Austria. Recognised by public administrations, universities and research centres as the most representative entity for biogas, it actively participates in national and international forums and congresses and is a founding member of the European Biogas Association (EBA).

The main mission is the promotion, dissemination, representation and defence of the renewable gases sector to promote the development of biogas and biomethane, representing the sector before public administrations and other national and international organisations.

The Association aims to:

1. To represent and defend the interests of the sector and/or general of the associates
2. To promote the union and collaboration of the associates on issues of common interest
3. To promote and disseminate the sector in all areas such as:
a.Renewable energy sources from any source
b.Technologies for the treatment and recovery of organic waste, through anaerobic digestion of the same to produce biogas and biofertilizers in a sustainable way
c.The gasification of all types of renewable organic materials to produce gaseous fuels in a sustainable way.
d.Liquefied biomethane
e.The production of renewable hydrogen using renewable electricity, or generation from biomass or other renewable sources and its subsequent conversion to biomethane storable by methanation
f.The use of biogas, biomethane, fertilisers and any other products resulting from anaerobic digestion and gasification
g.The circular economy related to nutrient recovery and proper waste management
h.The bioeconomy, the conversion of resources obtained from biogas and digestates into new value-added products
i.Support for diversification in the livestock sector and sustainable agroecology, increasing the viability and stability of agriculture, generating activity in rural areas
j.Support for the promotion of rural development

All those who contribute to the representation, defence and management of their own interests.