

The Brazilian Biogas Association (ABiogás) was created in 2013 to represent the biogas and biomethane sectors, solid and abundant energy sources. Over the last decade, we have acted as a channel for dialogue between associates and public and private stakeholders, including state and federal governments, autarchies, positioning biogas and biomethane as vectors of energy transition in Brazil, valuing their attributes and promoting access to the market.

ABiogás has followed a path to reinforce to Brazilian society that we have a mature and versatile source, which not only helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also promotes a cycle of economic and social development, generating jobs and contributing to energy independence, generating up to 798 thousand jobs (take the GEF Biogas study and include it).

Currently, we have more than 165 member companies, representing all sectors of the production, use and processing of biogas and biomethane, increasingly enriching the Brazilian energy matrix.