Agenda 2025
Day 1
09:00 Welcoming remarks from the Chair
09:15 Update on biogas policy
09:45 Recent developments in biomethane production
- How biogas competes vs other green fuels in the EU environment
10:15 Networking break
10:45 Experience in managing EU-wide biomethane sourcing
- managing various sourcing channels
- risk management approach grey gas vs. biomethane
11:15 Managing biomethane certificates across EU given the lack of homogeneity in the market
- Uncertainty around UDB
- How this makes difficult for trading x-border
- Solutions to overcome this
11:45 Biogenic/Biogas CO2 Certification
- How biogenic CO2 can be used for various use cases with different certification requirements
- New certification scheme to make it easier to trade biogenic CO2
12:15 Navigating the complexities of sustainability certification in the biomethane sector
12:45 Networking lunch
14:00 Opening remarks from the Chair
14:15 Critical role of gas infrastructure in the decarbonisation of the energy supply
14:45 Case study: Developing projects joining waste stream valorization (Protein Extraction) of Spent Grain with a Biogas plant
15:15 Networking break
15:45 Private Equity investment in to the biogas sector
16:15 Reserved for conference sponsor
16:45 Networking drinks with the Biofuels & SAF participants
- Enjoy great networking with delegates from all 3 events
Day 2
09:20 Welcoming remarks from the Chair
09:30 European and global biogas markets and drivers
10:00 Case study TBC
10:30 Networking break
11:00 Case study: Biogas production in the Nordics
11:00 Evolution of the Feed-in-Tariff structures in the Italian biomethane market
- How they have been instrumental in developing the biomethane Transport and Industrial sectors
12:00 Networking lunch
13:30 Opening remarks from the Chair
13:45 Ireland’s pathway to 2030
14:15 The role of Biomethane in the Decarbonization of the Chemical Industry
15:00 The potential of e-methanol for the maritime industry TBC
15:30 Slot reserved for conference sponsor
16:00 End of conference