Feb 17, 2023
Chile’s first biogas plant inaugurated despite protest
Other News
Feb 17, 2023
Decarbonisation, net zero and energy security are set to be crucial topics in 2023 with renewable gas taking centre stage in helping companies and governments meet their goals. Following on from the European Parliament’s recent target of 45% renewable energy consumption by 2030 and the EU’s REPowerEU plan to secure Europe’s energy future, now is the time for power... [Read More]

Feb 17, 2023
Jeremy Moorhouse, energy analyst at the International Energy Agency (IEA) spoke to Bioenergy Insight to unpick what the World Energy Outlook 2022 report means for bioenergy. It is predicted that we will see an 85% acceleration in renewable electricity from 2022-2027, according to the International Energy Agency’s report, which is 30% higher than forecast in its last... [Read More]

Biogas News
Feb 16, 2023
Global resource management company Veolia announced it has passed a new milestone for delivering net zero power by delivering more than six times the renewable electricity to the grid than it uses across its 400 offices and sites across the UK. The firm said it generates 856 GWh of electricity - using a combination of biomass, landfill gas, biogas and Energy Recovery... [Read More]

Biogas News
Feb 16, 2023
Northern Ireland's gas grids will see the injection of biomethane into the SGN Natural Gas network this year, via a unique collaboration with Granville Eco Park, part of the Bio Capital Group and based in Dungannon. Biomethane can be used as a direct replacement for traditional natural gas in the existing gas network infrastructure, which allows for a seamless transition... [Read More]

Biomass News
Feb 16, 2023
Japanese power utility Chubu Electric Power and five other firms have signed a loan agreement to build a 28.11MW biomass-fired power generation plant in western prefecture Tottori's Sakaiminato city, reported Argus. The agreement to finance the plant was signed by the companies and an unspecified financial institution on 15 February, although Chubu did not disclose the... [Read More]

Biomass News
Feb 15, 2023
Solo Agency has struck a deal with an Isle of Wight biogas firm to generate more than 950,000 kWh of electricity using turf from the Isle of Wight Festival site. This is almost twice the amount of energy harnessed during the festival. The Newport-based, Black Dog Biogas plant, supplies power to the Vestas Offshore Wind Blades facility, further contributing to the sustainability... [Read More]

Other News
Feb 15, 2023
A recent study conducted at a Durban brewery in South Africa found that brewery wastewater has the potential to become bioenergy, reported IOL. MUT said that, as water continues to be a scarce resource across the globe and the energy crisis continues to impact South Africa, researchers are trying to find environmentally friendly ways of extracting the full benefits of... [Read More]

Biomass News
Feb 15, 2023
The Bangladeshi Daily Star has reported that Japan wants to invest in several sectors of the country, including its sugar industry, biomass power generation and prepaid gas meter industry. The governor of Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Nobumitsu Hayashi, expressed interest during a courtesy call to prime minister Sheikh Hasina at the latter's official... [Read More]

Biogas News
Feb 14, 2023
Ukraine could receive at least five biomethane plants in 2023, said the head of the board of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine (BAU), Heorhiy Heletukha. "The topic of biomethane is developing very positively. Last year, we managed to adopt a basic bill (No. 5464 of 21 October 2021). Natural gas has also risen in price, and now it is more profitable to make biomethane... [Read More]

Biogas News
Feb 14, 2023
WELTEC BIOPOWER has extended the successful cooperation with its service partner, Gordons Technical Service Ltd (GTS) from Northern Ireland, until the end of 2026. The German biogas plant manufacturer's agreement with GTS has been in place since 2017, and applies to WELTEC customers from Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland. Both companies have years of experience... [Read More]

Biomass News
Feb 14, 2023
Nestlé Lanka has announced a biomass boiler project with an investment in excess of Rs.1 billion (€11.2m) at its state-of-the-art factory in Kurunegala, Sri Lanka. The project is expected contribute significantly towards the company’s stated endeavour of achieving net zero emissions across the value chain by 2050. Planned to begin mid-2023, this investment project... [Read More]

Other News
Feb 14, 2023
The seventh annual Global Energy Talent Index (GETI), the world’s most established and comprehensive energy workforce trends report, has revealed that surging fossil fuel prices are driving a skills exodus from renewables to oil and gas that could hinder the energy transition. The report by global workforce solutions provider to the STEM industries, Airswift, details... [Read More]

Biogas News
Feb 14, 2023
A new report from the European Biogas Association (EBA) shows that, in 2030, the whole-system benefits of biomethane production in the EU27 and the UK could range from €38-78 billion per year, rising to €133-283bn by 2050. These figures are comparable to the GDPs of Luxembourg and Finland in 2021 respectively. Values represented are likely an underestimate, as not... [Read More]

Biogas News
Feb 13, 2023
The city of Waterloo in Iowa, US, is preparing to convert its wastewater into natural gas, reported The Courier. Its City Council unanimously approved a resolution last week to request approvals for the development of renewable natural gas (RNG) projects - achieved by breaking down waste from its wastewater treatment plant and the Tyson Fresh Meats wastewater lagoon. Waterloo... [Read More]

Biomass News
Feb 13, 2023
International biomass-based firm Active Energy has announced it has been awarded three new patents to turn forest waste into clean energy for its CoalSwitch® technology - the "next generation" pellet. The United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued two patents - No. 10,647,935 and No. 10,858,607. The Canadian Patent Office has issued patent No. 2,999,447, for... [Read More]

Biogas News
Feb 13, 2023
Gasum’s new biogas plant in Götene, Sweden, received final construction permits at the end of January. The company said its Götene plant represents the start of a string of investments into new biogas production, in line with its new strategy. The plant will produce 120 gigawatt hours (GWh) worth of liquefied biogas or LBG per year from early 2025 onwards, and its... [Read More]

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