Sep 14, 2016
Finland’s Finnvera join Teesside biomass plant project with £100m investment
Other News
Sep 13, 2016
UK-based autoclave waste specialist Wilson Bio-Chemical has opened its micro autoclave fibre production plant for turning municipal solid waste (MSW) into biomass fibre that can be converted into chemicals or fuels. The facility has been developed with the help of the University of York subsidiary, the Biorenewables Development Centre (BDC) and is based at the... [Read More]

Other News
Sep 12, 2016
Industry experts have backed a report by the UK’s Energy and Climate Change Committee (ECCC) which suggests that the UK will miss its 2020 renewable energy targets. Despite progress in some areas of its renewables commitments, there is simply not enough being done, ECCC says in its new report titled 2020 renewable heat and transport targets. The UK has... [Read More]

Other News
Sep 12, 2016
Scottish National Party MPs Callum McCaig and Alex Salmond have condemned proposed changes to the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme regulations after the UK government failed to bring then to debate in Parliament. The North East MPs have directly criticised the UK government for proceeding to implement cuts that will affect all biomass plants that use less than 20% of their... [Read More]

Other News
Sep 9, 2016
In the UK, the Energy and Climate Change Committee (ECCC) has warned the government that on its current course the UK will fail to achieve its 2020 renewable energy targets. Despite progress in some areas of its renewables commitments, there is simply not enough being done, ECCC says in its new report titled 2020 renewable heat and transport targets. The island country... [Read More]

Biogas News
Sep 9, 2016
A £72 million (€85m) new state-of the-art sludge treatment and anaerobic digestion (AD) facility in the centre of Leeds, UK, has been given the go-ahead. Yorkshire Water’s planning proposal for a bioenergy facility at the company’s Knostrop works was approved by Leeds City Council’s planning committee and the contract has been awarded to Black... [Read More]

Biogas News
Sep 8, 2016
Ecomaine, a Maine, US-based recycling service provider, has officially opened its new food waste recovery service utilising anaerobic digestion (AD) for biogas production. The company says the addition of food waste recovery to its portfolio of services will help its member communities reach the statewide recycling goal of 50% by 2021. “Recent studies have shown... [Read More]

Biogas News
Sep 8, 2016
FuelCell Energy, a power plant developer, has completed the construction and begun commercial operation of a megawatt-class fuel cell power plant in California. The Riverside Regional Water Quality Control Plant is structured so that the City of Riverside pays for power produced, achieving immediate operating cost savings without any capital outlay and in a manner that... [Read More]

Biomass News
Sep 8, 2016
Finnish technology developer Valmet and Danish energy utility Hofor Energiproduktion have signed a contract regarding delivery of a biomass-fired boiler plant and related biofuel storage and conveyor systems. The equipment will be delivered to Hofor's new Amagerværket heat and power plant in Copenhagen. The order is included in Valmet's third quarter 2016 orders... [Read More]

Other News
Sep 7, 2016
UK-based power giant Drax contributed more than £1 billion towards UK GDP in 2015 and supported thousands of jobs across the country, according to a new study from Oxford Economics. The findings were revealed in a new report looking at the group’s UK operations, which includes Drax Power Station - Europe’s largest decarbonisation project. Researchers... [Read More]

Biomass News
Sep 7, 2016
UK-based renewable heat specialist Scot Heat & Power has announced that it is ramping up its entry into the Cumbrian market. According to the firm, it is one of just three UK companies to offer ElectraTherm’s innovative Power+ Generator, which is a US-produced generator that utilises biomass for efficient clean energy production. Scot Heat & Power, has been... [Read More]

Other News
Sep 7, 2016
M+W Group, the lead contractor for UK-based Surrey County Council’s new Eco Park, under construction in Shepperton in Surrey, has selected Saxlund International to provide the bulk material handling solution for the storage and discharge of RDF (refuse derived fuel) to feed the gasification facility within the site. Saxlund International, is a subsidiary of Opcon,... [Read More]

Other News
Sep 7, 2016
Gatwick Airport, in partnership with DHL, is set to become the first airport in the world able to dispose of Category One waste on site – an issue that costs the global aviation sector around £500 million a year – and convert it into energy. Category One forms the majority of waste from non-EU flights and is defined as food... [Read More]

Sep 6, 2016
Hong Kong-based environmental services provider China Everbright International has announced that it has signed a concession agreement for a household waste-to-energy project with the People's Government of Taikang County, Henan Province. The group will invest in the construction of the Taikang waste-to-energy project, which is the third waste-to-energy project that Everbright... [Read More]

Other News
Sep 6, 2016
Energy-intensive industries and the products they make can play a considerable role in the global effort to tackle climate change, according to a new report from the World Bank Group, CLASP and Carbon Trust. Making them part of the solution while helping them stay competitive is a key challenge for policy makers, the report highlighted. ‘Climate-friendly technologies’ The... [Read More]

Other News
Sep 5, 2016
China and the US – the top two greenhouse gas emitters in the world – have both agreed to ratify the Paris Agreement, a global framework to limit the effects of climate change. While China had already earlier announced that it would ratify the agreement, the joint announcement has been hailed by climate campaigners as a significant advance in combating global... [Read More]

Other News
Sep 5, 2016
Blue Sphere Corp., a US clean-tech independent power producer, announced that its joint venture waste-to-energy facility under construction in Charlotte, North Carolina, is nearing completion. In 2014, the company entered into a joint venture to develop, construct and operate a biogas facility in Charlotte, North Carolina, under the management of a third party.  In... [Read More]

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