Nov 25, 2016
Protected woodlands in Europe felled to meet EU renewable targets
Other News
Nov 25, 2016
EXCLUSIVE: The government of Finland has approved a new national Energy and Climate Strategy outlining how the country plans to reach both domestic and EU climate targets by 2030. In the outline, Finland’s centre-right government set a goal to have the share of renewables in the Finnish energy pool surpass 50% during the 2020s, with a long-term goal of reaching carbon... [Read More]

Biogas News
Nov 24, 2016
The PlanET Biogas Group has received the DLV Novelties Award 2017, one of the most distinguished German innovation awards of the agricultural sector. The German agricultural publishing company (DLV) benchmarks technical developments in ten categories, and at this year’s Eurotier in Hanover, the PlanET gas management system was honoured due to its practical impact... [Read More]

Pellets News
Nov 23, 2016
Brazilian firm Butia Industria e Comercio de Pellets will invest BRL 5.16 million (€1.45m) in the construction of a pellet factory in Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul state. The plant in the city of Butia will produce pellets both for the domestic market and for exports mainly to the European market, which is currently looking for biomass to help reduce its coal dependency,... [Read More]

Other News
Nov 23, 2016
An Imperial College climate finance specialist has called on private investors to invest in proven green technologies. Speaking at the UN’s climate summit in Marrakech (COP22), Charles Donovan, director of Imperial's new Centre for Climate Finance & Investment, said: “There’s a huge difference between technologies that are merely possible... [Read More]

Other News
Nov 22, 2016
Canada is accelerating its plans to phase out coal-based energy generation by 2030 in a bid to meet the emissions reduction targets of the Paris Agreement. The Liberal government, chosen partly on a platform of doing more for the environment, says the coal-axing plan will take into account the conditions in each Canadian province, some of which have resisted the phase-out. According... [Read More]

Biomass News
Nov 22, 2016
The Indian government aims to generate 16,725MW of clean and renewable energy in 2016-17 (Apr-Mar), of which 12,000 MW would come from  the solar power sector. Clean and renewable energy capacity addition through wind, biomass and small hydro projects is expected to be of 4,000MW, 500MW and 225MW,  respectively, to meet the target for the ongoing financial... [Read More]

Biogas News
Nov 21, 2016
The Finnish government is exploring the implementation of a €100 million subsidy package for 2017-2020 to speed up the uptake of biogas- and electricity-powered cars. With the subsidy, the government aims to have 250,000 electric and 50,000 biogas cars on Finland’s road by 2030, which would mark a massive increase from the current 2,250 fully electric or hybrid... [Read More]

Other News
Nov 21, 2016
Global carbon emissions are flatlining, which indicates a downturn in worldwide power demand and shift in the fuel mix, a new study says. Global carbon emissions caused by energy production remained steady in 2015 and posted the lowest growth in the past 25 years excluding 2009, when there was a decline in the aftermath of the economic crisis, according to research and... [Read More]

Biogas News
Nov 21, 2016
Asian Agri, an Indonesian palm oil specialist, is producing excess electricity from its biogas plants in Sumatra and is appealing to investors to buy this surplus power. According to the Jakarta Post, the biogas facilities have been in operation since last year. Asian Agri, a subsidiary of the Singapore-based Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) conglomerate group, currently has five... [Read More]

Other News
Nov 21, 2016
NextCoal International, a US renewable energy company, is to build a Rural Economic Development Renewables Fuels Centre (REDRFC) in northern New York state to manufacture bio-coal for export to Japanese power plants. The REDRFC will be supported by Japanese strategic and institutional investors. Bio-coal is a coal substitute used for co-fired in coal-fired power plants... [Read More]

Other News
Nov 21, 2016
Morocco, Germany, France, Spain and Portugal have signed a roadmap for sustainable electricity trade, in the presence of European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete. The roadmap, signed in Marrakesh at the COP22 climate summit on 17 November, 2016, aims to identify barriers to trade in renewable electricity between the five signatory... [Read More]

Other News
Nov 21, 2016
After declining for several months, the share of US electricity fuelled by coal is expected to slowly begin growing when compared to the same period last year, according to new figures from the Energy Information Administration (EIA).  In contrast, the share of generation from natural gas is expected to experience year-over-year declines. Based on expected temperatures... [Read More]

Other News
Nov 21, 2016
Norvento, a Spanish manufacturer of on-site renewable energy systems, has launched a new integrated biogas innovation for agricultural, utility and industrial users throughout the UK. Known as the Norvento-BioPlant, the system enables small and medium-sized companies and landowners to sustainably manage organic waste and turn it into renewable gas, electricity or both,... [Read More]

Other News
Nov 21, 2016
The European Biomass Association (AEBIOM) has elected Didzis Palejs as its new president. Palejs will take over Gustav Meli, who has led the organisation for the past six years. In a statement, AEBIOM said: “Didzis Palejs was the natural choice as he has been increasingly involved in AEBIOM and its network for over the past decade. Having worked in the energy and... [Read More]

Other News
Nov 21, 2016
India’s National Institute of Technology, Trichy (NIT-T), will work in collaboration with the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) to build a biogas plant in Mumbai. The plant will be called NISARGRUNA, according to The Times of India. A biogas plant will be established as a pilot project in one of the institute's hostel messes where food waste will... [Read More]

Biogas News
Nov 18, 2016
Green energy company Ecotricity has released a report detailing a plan to heat almost every home in Britain using green gas made from grass. The report, titled Green Gas Mills: The Opportunity for Britain, shows that by 2035, green gas made from grass could provide all of the gas needs for 97% of Britain’s homes, pump £7.5 billion (€8.7bn) annually into... [Read More]

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