Oct 27, 2017
Study lays out how cities can fight climate change
Biogas News
Oct 27, 2017
Clearfleau, a major provider of on-site bioenergy plants for food and beverage processing sites, has written to the UK government calling for action on the proposed Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). The UK government has recently published its Clean Growth Strategy, setting out clear goals to cut the country’s carbon emissions while boosting its economy. Cleafleau... [Read More]

Biogas News
Oct 26, 2017
UK-based Whites Concrete has assisted with the installation of two new Sealwall tanks for a farm-based anaerobic digestion (AD) plant in the West Midlands. Whites Concrete is a manufacturer of pre-stressed and pre-cast concrete panels, retaining walls and tanks.  The first, a circular tank of almost 36m in diameter and a height of 4.3m, was built using 94... [Read More]

Other News
Oct 26, 2017
A new report has been released that shows that Scotland could generate millions of tonnes of ‘bio’ material that could add value to the country’s economy.   The new report Is entitled Biorefining Potential for Scotland and has been produced by Zero Waste Scotland. It aims to provide detailed insight into circular economy opportunities for waste... [Read More]

Biogas News
Oct 25, 2017
Biogas plants in Germany are saving 20 million tonnes of CO2 emissions a year, according to the president of the German Biogas Association. Recently released figures from the German Biogas Association show that 205 new biogas plants were connected to the grid in 2016, more than the 150 expected by the association. The figures also show that ten biogas plants were decommissioned.... [Read More]

Other News
Oct 25, 2017
A collaborative project to map open access pilot and demonstration infrastructure for bio-based industries across Europe has been launched. The Pilots4U project is funded by the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Launched when the eight project partners came together in Ghent, Belgium,... [Read More]

Other News
Oct 25, 2017
Danish biotechnology company Novozymes has published its third quarter results, revealing better than expected growth from the company, including a strong showing from its “Bioenergy” division. Earnings before interest tax  (EBIT)increased by 5% to DKK 3,032 million (€407m) , up from DKK 2,884 million from the first nine  months of 2016, and... [Read More]

Biomass News
Oct 25, 2017
Power giant Drax has agreed to sell its wood pellet distribution business, Billington Bioenergy (BBE), to Aggregated Micro Power Holdings, an AIM-listed energy company specialising in the sale of wood fuels and the developing of distributed energy assets. Drax said the consideration for the transaction was £2m (€2.24m), comprised of £1.6m of shares in... [Read More]

Biogas News
Oct 25, 2017
A backlog in the UK parliament is threatening the country’s climate goals, according to the chief executive of the Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA). Recently, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) confirmed that the tabling of legislation to reform the UK’s Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) will be pushed back... [Read More]

Pellets News
Oct 24, 2017
576,521 US tons of pellets were produced in July 2017 in the US, according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). EIA has released the latest edition of its Monthly Densified Biomass Fuel Report, which looked at data submitted by 88 pellet facilities in the US. The 88 facilities included in the report have a combined annual pellet production capacity of 11,986,084... [Read More]

Biomass News
Oct 24, 2017
Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) has completed refinancing worth £250 million (€280 million) of its interest in two biomass power plants in the UK. According to a CIP statement, the fund has provided equity, preferred equity and senior debt for the development and construction of the two biomass power plants. The two facilities have now come into operation... [Read More]

Other News
Oct 24, 2017
Policymakers in the European Parliament’s environment committee (ENVI) have voted in support of a proposal for a total phase out of crop-based biofuels by 2030 and have backed the use of biomass for electricity production. The ENVI vote on the revised Renewable Energy Directive, dubbed RED II, happened yesterday evening (23 October). RED establishes an overall... [Read More]

Other News
Oct 23, 2017
An international team has looked into what it labels ‘the miraculous properties of biochar’, revealing that the charcoal-like substance’s carbon coating explains its carbon storage and fertilising capabilities. The team’s unprecedented insights could help boost more widespread commercialisation of biochar fertilisers. This would in turn reduce global... [Read More]

Biogas News
Oct 20, 2017
Gas made from domestic waste, energy crops, agricultural waste, food waste and sewage could heat up to 15 million homes in the UK every year by 2050, according to a new study just published by Britain’s largest gas distribution network. Titled The Bioenergy Review, the report was commissioned by Cadent to estimate how much of the UK’s energy demand could be... [Read More]

Biogas News
Oct 19, 2017
A new membrane has been developed that makes more effective the process of separating methane from CO2. This process is crucial in making natural gas and biogas suitable for use Methane is never found in its pure form. Natural gas, for instance, always contains a large amount of carbon dioxide. Industry generally uses membranes that act as molecular sieves to purify this... [Read More]

Biogas News
Oct 18, 2017
Resource management company GENeco has launched a vehicle called the Bio-Bee that collects commercial food waste and runs on the same material in Bristol, UK.   With Bristol among 40 places in the UK that consistently exceeds air quality limits for nitrogen dioxide, the Bio-Bee demonstrates a real alternative to diesel RCVs and HGVs by running on clean biomethane,... [Read More]

Biomass News
Oct 17, 2017
Findings from AEBIOM, the European biomass association, confirm that bioenergy is among the most effective options to achieve Europe’s clean energy transition. AEBIOM published its 2017 Statistical Report on 17 October, shortly before the European Parliament’s ENVI Committee is set to vote on sustainability criteria for bioenergy. According to a statement from... [Read More]

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