Jan 14, 2022
PG&E’s gas transmission system receives dairy RNG
Biogas News
Jan 13, 2022
EnviTec Biogas said its year is off to a “very promising start”, thanks to an overall rise in demand and the implementation of the EU RED II directive into national law. Long-term growth is visible in all business sectors including plant engineering, the company’s original core division. The company posted a total of €67 million in new plant engineering orders... [Read More]

Biogas News
Jan 13, 2022
AIMPERA has completed a major equity investment in Novilla Investment Holdings to scale Novilla RNG’s operations in the US. Novilla RNG is a developer, owner and operator of RNG production facilities, specialising in pipeline-quality RNG from dairy manure. The firm is led by co-CEOs Mark Hill and Jared Williams, who have over 24 years of combined experience in dairy... [Read More]

Other News
Jan 13, 2022
The UK Government has launched a new programme to develop hydrogen from sustainable biomass from waste. Backed with £5 million (€5.9 million) in funding, the new Hydrogen BECCS Innovation Programme will support the development of technologies to produce hydrogen via bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS). Hydrogen BECCS technologies will have a key... [Read More]

Biogas News
Jan 13, 2022
Alpheus Environmental will implement a biogas cleaning system at the Glenmorangie Distillery in Scotland. The new biological cleaning system will substantially reduce the use of chemicals to clean biogas, a by-product of the distillation which mainly consists of CO2 and methane. Compared to the existing cleaning system, this will result in the continued reduction of... [Read More]

Biogas News
Jan 12, 2022
Yorkshire Water’s new £50 million (€59 million) recycling facility has installed a digester mixing system by Landia. By using this mixing system, the Huddersfield Energy and Recycling Facility ensures that total gas production can reach its anticipated 22,192 normal cubic metres (Nm3) per day. Two CHP engines produce peak electrical output of 2,390 kWh and a thermal... [Read More]

Biogas News
Jan 12, 2022
Finnish technical wholesale company Onninen, part of K Group, has started deliveries using biogas-fuelled trucks. The biogas comes from Gasum’s facility, where renewable fuel is produced, in part, from biowaste from K-stores. This marks the first time in Finland that biogas-powered vehicles are being used in goods deliveries to building sites. Onninen’s deliveries... [Read More]

Biogas News
Jan 12, 2022
Research by the University of Stirling will help decision-makers understand and overcome the barriers preventing the uptake of 'toilet-linked' biogas technologies. One pioneering process enables home toilets to be connected to an anaerobic digester, which converts the waste into biogas for use as a clean cooking fuel, and fertiliser to improve soils. However, despite... [Read More]

Biogas News
Jan 11, 2022
Thames Water generated enough renewable energy from sewage in 2021 to cook 112 million Christmas turkeys. The UK’s largest water company created almost 140 million cubic metres (m3) of biogas last year via its sewage treatment process. This was transformed into more than 300 million kWh of electricity. Crossness sewage works in Greenwich was the biggest producer... [Read More]

Biogas News
Jan 11, 2022
A new food waste collection pilot programme has been launched in Connecticut to generate biogas and help address the state’s waste disposal problems. The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) and the City of Meriden announced the launch of ‘Making Meriden Green’, a first-of-its-kind municipal food scrap pilot that will help address... [Read More]

Biogas News
Jan 11, 2022
GESS RNG Biogas USA has announced four RNG projects across the US, thanks in part to the development of a proprietary swine manure collection process. The process, which GESS RNG Biogas’s teams have been working on since 2018, reduces the amount of manure fed into lagoons and significantly increases efficiency. Compared to the traditional covered lagoon system, anaerobic... [Read More]

Jan 10, 2022
UK-based BioCarbonics is working with anaerobic digestion and biogas facilities to produce green CO2 for customers in the food and beverage sector. Creating a network of CO2 supply sources from biogas plants could be the answer to preventing future shortages, according to UK-based BioCarbonics. Established in June 2018, BioCarbonics works with AD operators/biogas... [Read More]

Biogas News
Jan 10, 2022
At the end of 2021, a record amount of biogas was recorded in Denmark’s gas system. The amount of biogas injected into the gas system corresponded to just under 25% of gas consumption in the country, Energinet reported. By comparison, at the end of 2020, biogas accounted for approximately 21% of gas consumption. Biogas plants in Denmark have never before supplied... [Read More]

Biogas News
Jan 10, 2022
Maigaard & Molbech and European Energy have jointly acquired Danish biogas producer, Vinkel Bioenergi. Maigaard & Molbech has agreed to acquire the firm on behalf of private investor Bo Bendtsen in a joint venture (JV) deal with European Energy. The transaction will integrate Vinkel Bioenergi and its employees as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the new JV holding... [Read More]

Biomass News
Jan 7, 2022
Birmingham City Council in the UK has launched a Christmas tree recycling service, transforming unwanted trees into renewable electricity. The service, free of charge, will be available until 31 January. All trees collected will be chipped and retained within the UK to generate biomass power. “We’re pleased to be able to offer our free-of-charge service for the... [Read More]

Biogas News
Jan 7, 2022
Gasrec has opened a Remote Monitoring Centre to watch and respond to real-time data from each of its biomethane refuelling stations and tanker fleet. The information will be closely watched by an initial team of six control centre operators who will monitor gas levels to prevent shortages, and detect equipment faults or potential safety issues immediately and respond... [Read More]

Biogas News
Jan 7, 2022
Deal Farm Biogas in Norfolk, UK, has submitted a partly retrospective planning application to validate changes made to the original plans for its anaerobic digestion (AD) facility. The application to South Norfolk Council seeks permission to further enhance the project’s sustainability. The move follows backlash from the local community, as new additions were made... [Read More]

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