Mar 8, 2022
Anaergia signs PDA to develop MRF project, produce RNG
Other News
Mar 8, 2022
BECoop, a project funded by the Horizon 2020 programme, has released a bioenergy self-assessment tool for community projects. Horizon 2020 was the EU's research and innovation funding programme from 2014-2020 with a budget of nearly €80 billion. The initiative has been succeeded by Horizon Europe. Earlier studies by BECoop have shown that the knowledge and acceptance... [Read More]

Pellets News
Mar 7, 2022
Pacific BioEnergy (PacBio) has closed its plant in Prince George, British Columbia. The plant was shut down at 4 am on 4 March, following an announcement by PacBio in December. At the time, the company said it had reached an agreement to assign some of its assets, including the wood pellet long-term sales contracts, to Drax Group. The closure of the PacBio pellet... [Read More]

Biogas News
Mar 7, 2022
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has allocated $2 million (€1.84 million) to 11 organisations to divert food waste from landfills by expanding nationwide anaerobic digestion (AD) capacity. The EPA is ensuring nearly half the funds will be given to projects or recipients located in underserved communities. Specifically, the Agency considered the effects... [Read More]

Pellets News
Mar 7, 2022
Drax has stopped sourcing biomass from Russia in response to the invasion of Ukraine. The company said it has ceased the supply of a “very small percentage” of Russian biomass used at its power station in Yorkshire and is working with its suppliers and customers to identify any further links to Russia. Drax also announced it is donating £280,000 (€339,000)... [Read More]

Biogas News
Mar 4, 2022
OPAL Fuels has started commercial operations at its new landfill gas-to-RNG facility in Ohio, US. The facility extracts and captures waste methane from Rumpke Waste & Recycling’s Noble Road Landfill, transforming it into RNG and transporting it through Chesapeake Utilities Corporation’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Aspire Energy. An affiliate of NextEra Energy Resources... [Read More]

Biomass News
Mar 4, 2022
Researchers at Brigham Young University (BYU) in Utah, US, are utilising dead trees from wildfires as biomass suitable for power plants. Wildfires are becoming more prevalent in the Western US. One contributing factor to these fires is bark beetles – small beetles that burrow and reproduce under the bark of trees and eventually cause the tree to decay and die, if... [Read More]

Biogas News
Mar 4, 2022
Waga Energy reported consolidated revenue of €12.3 million in 2021, a year-on-year increase of 29.6%. The revenue increase was driven by a rise in RNG production and cryogenic distillation module sales to Air Liquide. Without the equipment sales to Air Liquide, Waga Energy’s revenue growth would have stood at 14.7%. Most of the revenue generated in France came from... [Read More]

Biogas News
Mar 3, 2022
CNG Fuels has opened the world’s largest public access biomethane refuelling station in Avonmouth near Bristol, UK. The site will meet the growing demand from major brands such as Amazon and Royal Mail to cut emissions from haulage and save money while supporting the decarbonisation of the UK’s road haulage sector, which is responsible for 18% of total UK road transport... [Read More]

Biogas News
Mar 3, 2022
An Bord Pleanala, Ireland’s national independent planning body, has approved the development of a large anaerobic digestion (AD) plant in County Offaly. Once operational, the facility will be fed with approximately 50,000 tonnes of feedstock primarily sourced from local farms within 10 kilometres of the site, the Irish Farmers Journal reported. The proposed development... [Read More]

Biogas News
Mar 3, 2022
Frigoscandia, a temperate food logistics company in Sweden, has ordered 73 biogas vehicles from Scania. In total, Frigoscandia ordered 112 new trucks, representing the largest order of gas-powered heavy trucks in Sweden. The vehicles will be distributed between Frigoscandia’s subsidary, Svebol Logistics, which mainly has transport operations in Stockholm area and... [Read More]

Pellets News
Mar 2, 2022
Last year, Enviva expanded wood pellet production capacity by 17% to 6.2 million MTPY, the company announced in its full-year and fourth-quarter 2021 results. Enviva also announced plans to accelerate the construction of a third pellet plant and signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to supply pellets to facilities across the UK and Europe. The MOU was signed... [Read More]

Biogas News
Mar 2, 2022
A researcher from the University of Saskatchewan (USask) is working with Tidewater Renewables to develop a novel integrated process to produce RNG from crop and forestry residues. With Saskatchewan’s north home to a boreal forest that is larger than Germany, and its south making up nearly half of Canada’s cropland, the province’s agriculture and lumber industries... [Read More]

Biogas News
Mar 1, 2022
Global sustainable energy producer EDL and key stakeholders bp, Consumers Energy and Granger Waste Services have welcomed the start of operations at a new landfill gas-to-RNG facility. The Wood Road RNG Facility is the first of its kind in Lansing, Michigan. The RNG produced will be added to Consumers Energy’s existing pipeline network for delivery to end-users. A... [Read More]

Mar 1, 2022
Reliable and simple: additional revenue through Europe-wide biomethane trading with bmp greengas. Funding or no funding? Certification or no certification? Short- or long-term contracts? Biomethane trading is less time-consuming if, as a plant operator, you are working with experts. bmp greengas is a major European biomethane marketer helping with engineering, certification... [Read More]

Biomass News
Mar 1, 2022
Solvay, a global leader in materials, solutions and chemicals, is adapting one of its existing boilers to increase its co-combustion rate with biomass. The boiler is located at Solvay’s largest European soda ash (sodium carbonate) plant in Devnya, Bulgaria. By powering the boiler with 30% biomass, the CO2 emissions related to energy production activities will be reduced... [Read More]

Biogas News
Feb 28, 2022
A WELTEC BIOPOWER (Weltec) biogas plant in Japan’s Saitama Prefecture is now operational. The facility, equipped with a 450 kW co-generation power plant, is the fourth project rolled out by the German manufacturer in Japan. The plant uses organic leftovers from the vicinity – 40 kilometres north of Tokyo. As the plant’s raw material mix varies, Weltec ensures... [Read More]

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