
Winners of the AD and Biogas Industry 2020 awards revealed

The winners of the AD and Biogas Industry Awards have been revealed.

On the third and final day of the World Biogas Expo & Summit, technical support manager at the Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA) hosted the awards from home in a tuxedo, in a first for the organisation, which usually hosts a grand ceremony (in person) to celebrate the best in the AD and biogas business.

Charlotte Morton, chief executive of the World Biogas Association (WBA), opened the awards with some reflections on the past year. “Disasters bring opportunity,” said Morton. “Over the last seemingly endless months we’ve been forced to adapt to a new reality.

“The past year has seen many firsts for all of us. It’s certainly a first for us at ADBA and the WBA to host our annual awards ceremony online.”

As many of the conference talks highlighted, while there is much to celebrate, there is still plenty of work to be done, which WBA president David Newman echoed in his introduction: “We need to do so much more, so much more quickly, if we are to meet the climate targets we have set ourselves.”

But, as Newman noted, the awards provide an opportunity to celebrate the enormous progress made by the industry over the past year.

The winners and highly commended entries were as follows:

Clever Use of Outputs & By-products

Highly commended – N2 Applied – Plasma Treatment

Winner – Azola S.A.S

Best R&D Innovation Award

Highly commended – Huesker Limited – Huesker Flexcover Combi Plus

Winner – BioBANG – How to get maximum efficiency from straw and waste biomass

AD Hero of the Year

Highly commended – Christine Parry, head of development and innovation at Amur

Winner – Colin Small of SGN Commercial Services

AD Rising Star Award

Winner – Laura Fonseca, process engineer at SUEZ

Best AD/Biogas Support Award

Highly commended – Advantage Biogas, Granville Energy Supply, SGN Commercial Services

Winner – Alpheus Environmental supporting Glenmorangie

Most Improved Plant

Winner – JV Energen – Rainbarrow Farm

The Circular Economy Award

Highly commended – RE Power Group: RPG Impact Project

Winner – Krieg + Fischer Ingeniuere

International Knowledge Exchange & Collaboration Award

Highly commended – Tampere AD Site: AD Sans Frontieres

Winner – Gas Metrology Group

Health & Safety Award

Winner – Granville Eco Park

Best Medium-to-Large Biogas Plant

Highly commended – Weltec Biopower: Lanes Farm Energy, Amur: AD Plant UK

Winner – Granville Eco Park

Best Small-Scale Plant

Highly commended – GPS Renewables (India)

Winner – CompactAD – Gegan Solutions

Best Financing

Winner - Iona Environmental Infrastructure Partnership

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