
Up to 30% reduction in packaging weight possible with Mavitech’s Paddle Washer

Mavitech Green Energy, producer of recycling processes and a leader in the international rendering industry, has produced the Paddle Washer, which is designed to produce a cleaner and dryer plastic output.

The latest innovation in fulfilling the demand for a cleaner plastic output from Mavitech Green Energy can be integrated into its Paddle Depacker line – or any other depackaging system.

Testing results for the Paddle Washer have shown an extremely clean plastic and more yield in organic fraction.

The machine washes the packaging and decreases the weight of the packaging output. A reduction in packaging weight up to 30% can be realised, resulting in significant savings on disposal costs.

Dutch firm Mavitech’s fast-growing green division developed the Paddle Depacker six years ago. It said it has proven to be “be one of the most efficient and economic solutions to the challenges of bio-waste and food waste management”.

The Paddle Depacker separates the organic material from the packaging and turns various kinds of food waste into the cleanest organic soups (>99,5% clean) – suitable for use in biogas/biodiesel installations. The clean plastic output is subsequently suitable for recycling.

Able to depack a wide variety of materials (dry, wet and mixed products), the Paddle Depacker possesses a capacity of 30 m3 per hour.

“The machine distinguishes itself with high separation efficiency and short payback times. After creating the cleanest organic output Mavitech’s engineers have been focusing on upgrading the plastic fraction,” according to Mavitech.

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