
UK’s new Environment Secretary praises bioenergy project

Andrea Leadsom, the UK’s new Environment Secretary, has praised a bioenergy project as she launched a new ‘State of Nature’ report.

In a speech on the environment, she said that the UK will continue to show global leadership on issues such as combatting climate change.  She also said that the government had to explore innovative ways of funding to encourage better decision making to protect the UK’s environment.

She said: “Our work with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) on an ‘Energy for Nature’ scheme in Somerset is a good example. This project converts surplus biomass from wetland conservation to bioenergy products.”

Bioenergy products include materials such as biomass briquettes used in biomass boilers.

Leadsom added: “Instead of paying people to remove cut reeds or simply burning them, now they are being used to produce bioenergy, and helping to fund the management of the nature reserve.

“I want to see more of this new thinking. I want to encourage enterprise whilst making it easier to fund environmental protection.

“The decision to leave the EU also means, of course, that we have the opportunity to look again at the ways we work with farmers and landowners to improve our environment.”

In July, Andrea Leadsom pulled out of a Conservative Party leader race paving the way for Theresa May to be the next Conservative leader and UK’s Prime Minister.  

This story was written by Liz Gyekye, editor of Bioenergy Insight. 

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