
UK biomethane plant delivers gas to grid after six-month construction period

A UK biomethane plant is now live after only a six-month construction period. Weltec Biopower's anaerobic digestion plant delivered the first biomethane to the UK gas distribution network on 14 October.

It is estimated the facility will deliver c7.3 million m3/year biomethane, enough to supply around 9,600 households with sustainable energy, 24/7. The plant utilises food leftovers, which account for more than half of the 800,000 tonnes per annum of substrate at the facility. Cattle and chicken manure is also used, as well as grass silage and hybrid rye.

Alongside renewable gas, biomethane production yields digestate, which can be used as a high-quality fertiliser. For on-site electricity supply, Weltec has integrated a 500 kilowatt combined heat and pressure (CHP) facility. The operator generates additional income from exporting excess electricity to the grid.

Wolfgang Bokern, head of project management at Weltec, said: "This project will bring many benefits to the project developers Aqua Consultants as the technology is state of the art. Furthermore, the fast construction and the construction costs within the budget speak for themselves.

"We have to thank all involved parties for the good cooperation and hope that this project will be a role model for future waste-to-energy projects."

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