
U.S. Gain expands its RNG development portfolio with new AD facility

U.S. Gain has built an anaerobic digester at Deer Run Dairy in Appleton, Wisconsin, to transform animal waste into clean, low-carbon fuel for the transport sector.

Renewable natural gas (RNG) production offers Deer Run Dairy the opportunity to improve its manure management practices from its herd of 1,700 milking cows.

The RNG produced at Deer Run Dairy will be transported into a new decanting facility constructed by U.S. Gain at Holsum Dairy in Hilbert, Wisconsin, where it will be injected into the natural gas pipeline.

Nacelle Solutions, a major technology and service firm specialising in gas conditioning and advancement of the energy and biogas industries, was a key partner to U.S. Gain in bringing the project online.

U.S. Gain’s RNG director of business development, Hardy Sawall, said: “We’ve developed a great relationship with Deer Run Dairy over the years and are pleased to work with them on this opportunity, especially given the benefits their farm will receive.

“This includes animal bedding and nutrient-rich fertiliser that can be either used by the farm as a cost-savings measure or profitably sold. I look forward to continued collaboration with the Deer Run Dairy team, finding innovative ways to increase efficiency and gas output at the facility.”

In 2021, U.S. Gain will expand the system’s capacity by installing a mixing tank that will enable other local farms to bring animal waste to Deer Run Dairy.

“We’re excited about the opportunities this will create for the region, both environmentally and economically,” said Pat Van Dehy, U.S. Gain’s director of operations. “It’s rewarding to be on both sides of the RNG supply chain – managing development of RNG production sites while at the same time, building new natural gas fuelling stations in which gas produced can be dispensed.”

Deer Run Dairy’s owners, Dale Bogart and Duane Ducat, expressed their enthusiasm for the project: “As caretakers of the land, we feel a strong obligation to continue looking at all aspects of our operations to determine what’s best, not only for our farm but also for our community,” said Bogart.

“We couldn’t be more pleased in partnering with U.S. Gain, a like-minded company that sees the value in ensuring a brighter future for us all. When the capacity is increased next year, we encourage our neighbours to consider this waste management option.”

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