
‘The new focus on methane is a game changer for our industry’

Charlotte Morton, chief executive, Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA)

Throughout 2021, all eyes were on the road to COP26. Six years and four conferences since the Paris Agreement, COP26 was seen as the world’s last chance to ‘keep 1.5˚C alive’. The extent to which it was a success is dividing opinion. The last-minute watering down of commitments to phase out coal overshadowed the raft of piecemeal pledges and agreements that came out from Glasgow, which, if honoured, would reduce global warming from the forecast 2.7˚C to 1.8˚C. The most significant one being the Global Methane Pledge, with over 100 countries committing to reduce methane emissions by 30% against 2020 levels by 2030.

Tackling methane alongside carbon effectively buys us time. Methane is a far more potent greenhouse gas (GHG) than CO2 by a factor of 86 in the first 20 years in the atmosphere and is responsible for 50% of current warming.

The new focus on methane is a game changer for our industry. At its full potential, anaerobic digestion (AD) alone could deliver over 20% of the UK’s contribution to the...

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