
SoCalGas dispenses California-produced RNG for the first time

Southern California Gas (SoCalGas) has dispensed California-produced renewable natural gas (RNG) for the first time at many of the natural gas fuelling stations it operates across the state.

The company recently began purchasing RNG from Calgren Dairy Fuels in Pixley, California, which captures dairy manure from farms to produce renewable fuel. Calgren’s facility is currently the largest dairy biogas operation in the US.

SoCalGas has been dispensing 100% RNG from out-of-state sources at its fuelling stations for more than a year.

“RNG is an important tool in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which cause climate change, and we’re looking forward to major growth in production of this renewable fuel in California,” said Jawaad Malik, SoCalGas’ vice-president of gas acquisition.

“With the right incentives in place, RNG has a significant opportunity to help the state move toward carbon-neutrality in not only the transportation sector but in many areas where traditional gas is now used.”

Production of RNG has accelerated quickly in California, supported by state incentive programmes seeking to reduce GHG emissions from trucking and dairy farms. In the next three and a half years, it is estimated that at least 160 RNG production facilities will be online in California to serve the transportation fuel sector, producing more than 15.8 million therms of RNG annually, and replacing around 119 million gallons of diesel fuel.

RNG-fuelled trucks currently displace around 150 million gallons of diesel fuel in California. By increasing RNG trucks by 10 times and decreasing diesel trucks by half, California could cut nitrogen oxide emissions by 200 tons and reduce GHG emissions by 10 million tons.

Lyle Schlyer, president of Calgren, said: “Calgren is excited to be one of the leading production facilities in the US, which will eventually capture the waste of more than 132,000 cows from at least 18 dairies.

“Using the methane captured from dairy waste for transportation fuel is good for the environment because it not only keeps methane from escaping to the air, it allows us to replace traditional natural gas with a renewable version, and it reduces pollution from diesel truck engines.”

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