
SMUD seeks project developer for biomass gasification plant

In the US, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) has released a request for statements of interest (RSOI) in the development of a biomass gasification project for combined heat and power (CHP) application in Sacramento, California.

SMUD says it is seeking an experienced project developer with a commercial technology that has a track record of successful implementation and operation.

The district is targeting a project of at least 3MW in size, using roughly 70 tonnes per day (about 24,000 tonnes per year) of clean wood waste. Larger projects may be possible. Project size is contingent on site size constraints, feedstock availability and long-term supply, truck traffic impact, agreement with site host, and other limitations.

HP Hood, located in the city of Sacramento, has already been identified as a potential host willing to provide the site for the project and potentially offtake the waste heat.

According to SMUD's feedstock availability assessment, there is plenty of wood waste to sustain at least a 3MW project. The site is strategically located in an area where the feedstock is abundant and accessible.

The deadline to submit responses is 26 November 2014.

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