
Six BioCNG plants commissioned so far under India’s National Bioenergy Programme

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India's central government has so far commissioned six compressed natural gas (BioCNG) plants and 11,143 small biogas plants under National Bioenergy Programme (NBP) which was notified in November 2022.
RK Singh, Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy, informed India's lower parliamentary house Lok Sabha of the number in a written reply to a question.
Of the six BioCNG plants commissioned, three are in Maharashtra, and there is one in Punjab, Tamil Nadu, and Uttar Pradesh respectively.
A large portion of the small plants are located in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Punjab.
The National Bioenergy Programme (NBP) is set to last until March 2026.
It has a budgetary outlay of Rs 1,715 crore (€188.3 million), which will be implemented in two phases.
"The first phase has a budgetary outlay of Rs. 858 drore (€94.2 million). This programme provides Central Financial Assistance (CFA) for setting up of Bioenergy plants," the minister said in his written reply in response to a question from a member on Thursday.


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