
Ribbon-cutting ceremony held for Oregon RNG project

On 30 March, the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC) in Oregon, US, held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate its new RNG project.

Through this project, the majority of biogas produced by the MWMC at its wastewater treatment facility in Eugene is converted into RNG and injected into NW Natural’s pipeline system.

In 2021, the construction of biogas purification facilities on the wastewater treatment plant grounds and NW Natural’s receipt point facility was completed. The MWMC first injected gas into NW Natural’s pipeline in November last year, becoming the first public agency in Oregon to do so.

Previously, MWMC utilised about 60% of its biogas to power the treatment plant and the remaining 40% was flared. This project will enable the MWMC to minimise flaring and convert nearly all the biogas to clean energy.

Using RNG replaces fossil fuels with clean vehicle fuel to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The MWMC expects an annual reduction in GHG emissions of as much as 7,500 tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions, equal to removing 1,600 passenger vehicles from the road.

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