
Procter & Gamble’s $230 Mil Biomass Project gathers pace

Renewable energy providers Procter & Gamble move forward with their biomass facility in Georgia, US.

The $230 million (€178 million) biomass facility has got permission from local officials to continue with the build and have received some tax incentives to bring the plant to operation.

The project has seven partners including Georgia Power, the Georgia Public Service Commission, Sterling Energy Assets, Procter & Gamble Corporate, Constellation New Energy, the federal government and the Payroll Development Authority.

Bob Bourbon, global business development manager, P&G, says: 'Take any one of these partners out of the equation, and it wouldn't work. Using my football analogy, yes, we're at first-and-goal, but everyone who gets that close to the goal line doesn't score. Everyone involved in this project is doing everything possible to make it work. If it doesn't, there will be a very good reason.

The plant is expected to start production in the summer of 2017.

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