
PlanET Organics champions food waste as biomass

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PlanET Biogas has created PlanET Organics, a company specifically focused on food waste processing and nutrient recovery technologies.
The move was a result of the company’s successful delivery of anaerobic digesters (AD) and renewable natural gas (RNG) technology in the North American market. The company said the complementary platform will enhance its leadership position in the organics-to-renewable energy market, and help it execute both manure-based and complex food waste projects in the US and Canada.
The new endeavour is being led by programme director of organics Mike Muffels, formerly of GHD, who brings close to 20 years' experience in the AD, RNG and organics processing sectors.
“We have uniquely positioned our company in the North American biogas market and our ongoing growth is a testament to the hard work and perseverance this great team has put forth in achieving our objectives,” said Derek Hundert, president of PlanET. “With over 40 North American installations in operation or construction, we are just beginning to reach the potential this market has to offer.
Scale of the problem
According to the Food and...

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