
Più-Biogas App project could help increase biogas yields

BTS Biogas has partnered with the University of Padua in Italy to develop a research project which aims to increase biogas yield by at least 10%.

Achieving the sustainable disposal and valorisation of organic waste are two of the biggest challenges facing the world. Biogas reconciles these two needs; however, the seasonal nature of many of the by-products of the agricultural and livestock sectors which feed biogas plants can lead to significant fluctuations in production.

In the current production process, there are no efficient methods for the real-time monitoring of the microbial component, which is the key driver of anaerobic digestion, said the two organisations. Close monitoring of the production process, the organic material feeding the plant, and the development of predictive models are, therefore, ‘essential’ to optimise production and maximise the yield of the biogas plants.

The two-year research project, Più-Biogas App, supported by BTS Biogas, was created to meet these needs. The initiative aims to implement an innovative, rapid and efficient method of analysis for the study of microbial population dynamics which allows the fermentation of organic matter to be monitored via an app.

This is the first research project to investigate the microbiological activity which takes place every day in the digester. The goal is to obtain a database to catalogue microorganisms and environmental and process information and develop an algorithm to compare the results of the systems and techniques used to increase biogas yields.

BTS Biogas and the University of Padua aim to develop software to help maximise biogas production while reducing operating costs. The results and the technology developed will then be shared with other companies.

“The pursuit of sustainability and the production of renewable energy also involve maximising the yield of biogas plants,” said Franco Lusuriello, CEO of BTS Biogas.

“The Più-Biogas App project, thanks to an innovative technology developed in collaboration with the University of Padua, aims to provide companies with a valuable tool for managing incoming biomass by providing data which can improve the efficiency of biogas production, thereby contributing to the green transition, which is fundamental for the future of our country.

“This initiative is a concrete example of how a productive dialogue between the worlds of research and business can lead to innovative solutions.”

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