
Peoples Gas, Alliance Dairies to build RNG facility

Peoples Gas, Florida’s largest natural gas distribution utility, will build, own, and operate a renewable natural gas (RNG) facility with Alliance Dairies.

The facility, to be constructed on the dairy’s property in Trenton, near Gainesville, is expected to produce 105,000 MMBtu of RNG, enough to serve about 4,400 homes annually.

The Alliance RNG facility will capture waste from around 6,500 cows and clean it to pipeline-quality natural gas that can be safely used by natural gas appliance or other natural gas application.

“With this RNG facility, Peoples Gas will be a leader in Florida’s clean energy future,” said Timothy O’Connor, vice-president of sustainability for Peoples Gas.

In 2017, People’s Gas was the first utility to receive approval from the Florida Public Service Commission to pursue RNG service in the state, and among the first in the nation. This project is the next step in bringing RNG to Florida.

RNG is produced from organic waste from landfills, water treatment plants, or agricultural sites. It can be injected into Florida’s pipeline systems and used as a reliable and cost-effective energy source, just like traditional natural gas, typically offering customers net-zero or negative emission levels.

“Alliance Dairies is a natural partner because – like us – they value sustainability and are excited to contribute to our state’s energy diversity with this carbon-neutral fuel source,” said O’Connor.

Jan Henderson, Alliance Dairies’s farm manager, said: “We are firm believers in renewable resources and have long incorporated sustainably into our operations.

“We are proud to partner with Peoples Gas to help us continue to make good use of our by-products. This RNG facility is the next level of ‘going green’ for the dairy and the community.”

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