
New report to share insights into Poland’s pellet industry

Magazyn Biomasa, publisher of the ‘Pellet Market’ and organiser of the Pellet Forum conference, is preparing the first comprehensive publication in Poland on the domestic pellet sector.

The ‘Wood pellet in Poland’ report will be released in April. The scope of the study will cover a wide range of aspects related to the industry: pellet emissivity compared to other solid fuels; data showing the dynamics of the domestic pellet sector development; technologies for granulation, as well as the role of biofuels in the circular economy.

“The production of wood pellets in Poland is growing year by year, the same as the domestic consumption of pellets,” said Jolanta Kamińska, project coordinator at Biomass Media Group.

“The pellet industry is one of the dynamically developing sectors of the economy, and the pellet itself is a renewable energy source that can have a significant impact on the fight against smog.”

Magazyn Biomasa describes the publication as a “practical guide for the industry, a platform for the exchange of information, contacts, and experiences between all entities operating in the pellet market”.

The report will be available on the Magazyn Biomasa website in April.

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