
Miscanthus specialist Terravesta expands in Poland

Miscanthus specialist Terravesta has established a new company in Poland as demand for sustainable perennial biomass grows in Europe.

The company said it had long-term plans to open a company on the continent and that the move will support EU trade relationships.

Terravesta Poland will eventually evolve to become Terravesta Europe and underlines the organisation’s commitment to developing in the EU as well as the UK. Andrzej Matyjewski, who has been involved with the company for many years, has been selected as head of European operations.

“We’ve established a company in Poland because we are already very involved here, but we intend to strengthen our presence in various European locations,” said Matyjewski.

“Establishment of Terravesta Poland is a sign that Terravesta’s global presence is evolving according to our plans and expectations. It clearly shows the business has identified a bright future for Miscanthus in the UK and beyond, and the growing demand for the crop in Europe is undisputed.”

In February, Terravesta announced that a Miscanthus-fuelled district heating development in Moldova was officially opened. The 150 kW biomass thermal power plant (a pilot project) aims to switch the Centralised Thermal Energy Supply system in Chisinau to renewable technology. There are plans for another 19 heat-only boiler plants in the pipeline, also set to run on unique Miscanthus hybrids from Terravesta.

Earlier this month, the company won UK Government funding to facilitate more planting of Miscanthus. The £150,000 (€174,000) funding was allocated through the government’s Biomass Feedstocks Innovation Programme to help achieve 2050 net-zero targets.

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