Malabar biomethane project receives GreenPower Certification

GreenPower Renewable Gas Certification means renewable gas certificates will be issued for gas produced at the Malabar Biomethane Injection Plant (MBIP), certifying that gas produced at the plant is low-emission renewable gas.
Certification comes after Jemena and Origin Energy signed an agreement for biomethane supply in March 2023, which could see Origin purchase up to 110 TJ of biomethane per year from the MBIP.
The MBIP is a partnership between Sydney Water and leading energy infrastructure company Jemena. The project has also received funding from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).
Jemena’s managing director, David Gillespie, said that by using a blend of renewable gases such as hydrogen and biomethane, to complement natural gas, Australia can lower its carbon footprint, retain consumer choice, give energy certainty to hard-to-electrify sectors, and navigate the energy transition through a low-cost pathway.
“This is an exciting next step for Australia’s renewable gas industry and is the first time biomethane has been formally certified as meeting the environmental and social standards set by GreenPower.
“Our industrial and manufacturing customers are telling us they need gas for high heat and as a feedstock. At the same time we know they are also looking at ways to lower their carbon footprint. Certification is the next step in establishing a domestic renewable gas market which will help these customers on their decarbonisation journey.
“This is particularly important for industrial customers who have been mandated to reduce emissions under the Federal Safeguard Mechanism.”