
Lord Callanan to headline ADBA National Conference 2023 in London

Lord Callanan
Lord Callanan
The UN has just issued a warning that the world is heading towards a “hellish 3˚C global temperature rise” and current trends show a rise of 2.5°C to 2.9°C by the end of the century, noted the Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA).
If climate change is left unabated, the impacts on the global supply chains will be far, far greater in magnitude than the ones currently caused by the war in Ukraine, it added.
Business understands this, raising the alarm about the economic cost of inaction against climate change, the association continued.
In a geopolitically unstable world, this is the only game in town. Underlying the shift triggered by the Russia-Ukraine war is a recognition that nations must in future develop the technologies needed to maximise the resources at their disposal, added ADBA.
It has therefore assembled a strong line up of experts to provide insight at the ADBA National Conference 2023, which will take place on 6 December in London.
The theme of the ADBA National Conference 2023 will be “Anaerobic Digestion - the imperative for resource resilience”.
It will be headlined by Lord Callanan, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Energy Efficiency and Green Finance) at the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero.
The conference will be chaired by former Energy and Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne, now Chair of ADBA, who said: “The issue for green gas is no longer whether the sector will grow, but how quickly. UNEP’s latest report has underlined the urgency of capturing the organic wastes we generate, and transforming them into the green gas and biofertiliser needed to address climate change.
"This conference will highlight how UK policymakers see the sector’s contribution to energy security and net zero, and whether the UK will be at the higher or lower level of the International Energy Agency’s projected 8 to 22% annual global growth.”
Lord Callanan

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