
LBG trucks on the rise in Linkoping, Sweden

Liquefied biogas (LBG) trucks on the road in Linköping, Sweden, have more than doubled since 2020.

At the turn of the year, around 10 trucks from various companies drove on LBG; however, during February, the number more than doubled when a large grocery company, via its own haulage company, started driving 14 biogas-powered trucks on locally produced biogas.

Svensk Biogas in Linköping inaugurated its second LBG filling station in June 2020. Since then, sales of fossil-free, locally-produced LBG have increased sharply, according to Swedish energy firm Tekniska verken.

Tekniska verken has been producing LBG for just over a year, utilising household and slaughterhouse waste. The company purifies the biogas by cooling it down to approximately -162oC in another production step.

Its plant is the largest of its kind in Sweden and can supply up to 250 biogas-powered trucks with fuel. The biogas produced is sold and distributed by Svensk Biogas in Linköping, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tekniska verken.

“This means a lot to us, not least in our effort to work with other actors in the region to create a more resource-efficient society, where sustainable transport is an important part of it,” said Erik Nordell, product manager for LBG at Tekniska verken.

“It is very fun that others see the great benefit of biogas, which is a fuel that closes the cycle, which is also produced locally here in Linköping.”

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