
KPA Unicon to deliver 5MWe biomass power plant to Portuguese firm Termoflorestal

Finland-based KPA Unicon will deliver a 5MWe power plant to Portuguese electrical firm Termoflorestal in Juncal, Porto de Mos, Portugal.

The power plant will operate on renewable fuel and provide efficient power generation for the local electricity grid as well as steam for biomass drying process at the neighbouring pellet plant.

"RFB raw material” is a dry wood dust and will be used as fuel for the power plant. The plant will be handed over to the customer in November 2018.

The contract covers the design of the power plant, the delivery of the main process equipment, including a boiler with auxiliary systems, turbine, generator, condensation system, flue gas cleaning equipment and a high-tech PlantSys system that enables remote operation and monitoring of the plant.

Termoflorestal is responsible for land planning and foundation works, buildings, steel structures, ducts and piping which will be purchased in accordance with the KPA Unicon's design and initial data.

Termoflorestal performs installation works under the KPA Unicon's construction management and installation supervision. KPA Unicon ensures the commissioning of the power plant and training of the personnel.

KPA Unicon and Termoflorestal have jointly optimised the concept of the project, it will utilise the advantages of both parties, which will ensure cost-effective and responsible energy production.

The power plant will use burners for dry and pulverised biomass burning, based on the "Unicon Pellet" technology developed by KPA Unicon.

"Biomass-based boiler plants using this combustion technology are built mainly in Scandinavian countries, so it is great to have exported our technological know-how to other parts of southern Europe, where such technology is not yet widespread," said Olli-Pekka Aarnio, key account manager KPA Unicon.

"Dust combustion technology brings this project to a very special synergy effect, because the power plant will use as fuel a part of already dried and ground biomass dust from the neighbouring pellet plant. This is a logistically ideal solution that saves fuel and ensures high efficiency with a small carbon footprint", Aarnio said.

Rui Carrera, administrator of Termoflorestal, said:  "The decision to choose KPA Unicon to supply our thermoelectric power station, relies essentially on the high performance of its technological solutions with more than 25 years’ experience from all over the world. The professionalism demonstrated, the tests and prior analyses to the available fuel in our country (Forest Residual Biomass) and the commitment assumed regarding the performance of the Central, allowed us to advance to this new project." 

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