
Kimberly-Clark commits to green manufacturing in North Wales

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HYRO - a joint venture between RES and Octopus Energy Generation – has submitted a planning application to Flintshire County Council in Wales for its Coleshill Green Hydrogen Project.
The scheme is one of two projects located on existing Kimberly-Clark sites that aim to assist the roll out of this source of power for industrial businesses.
The Coleshill Green Hydrogen Project comprises a Green Hydrogen Electrolyser production and storage facility on land near Kimberly-Clark’s Coleshill paper mill, off Aber Road, Flint.
It will use electricity from renewable sources to split water using electrolysis and create green hydrogen to fuel a new hydrogen-ready boiler, located inside the mill.
This new boiler produces the steam and heat necessary for the paper manufacturing process at the mill and will replace the current boiler, which is fuelled by only natural gas.
Iain Buchanan, development project manager for Coleshill Green Hydrogen Project, explained: “Green hydrogen projects are a critical component of the broader strategy to deliver energy security and create green economic growth across Wales and the UK. Green hydrogen can help to address the urgent need to decarbonise industrial businesses and hard to electrify sectors, setting them up with a cost-competitive, clean fuel for the future.”
Oriol Margo, sustainability transformation leader, Kimberly-Clark EMEA, added: “This development at our Coleshill Site in Flint and our partnership with HYRO represents a huge step towards our ambition to move solely to renewable energy to manufacture Andrex, Kleenex, Huggies, WypAll and Scott in the UK by 2030.”

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