
KGET ships 200 tonnes of wood pellets to Korea

Kleangas Energy Technologies (KGET), a producer of alternative clean technologies and products that promote energy efficiency, has shipped 200 tonnes of wood pellets to Busan, South Korea as part of its current purchase order.

According to a statement, this shipment is different to previous ones in that it is being packaged for consumer use in 18kg bags instead of commercial use which is packaged in 1 tonne bags.

Mr. Linton, CEO of KGET, states: 'This 200 tonne shipment required us to develop a package for consumer use in Korea. So instead of wood pellets being loaded into 1 tonne bags, we had to develop an 18kg bag and load 55 of them on a single pallet. Then we had to wrap the pallet in plastic for shipment to Korea.

'We expect that the pellet consumer packaging request will increase as cooler weather approaches. This is because increasingly wood pellets are being used to heat Korean homes, which will over time replace oil and coal for home heating.'

This news follows a recent announcement by KGET that is has filed an 8-K regarding the company's acquisition of a clean energy company that produces approximately 15,000 tonnes of pellets annually, and generates approximately 2.4MW of electricity at its plant.

The plant burns landfill gases to create electricity, which in turn is sold to a major utility company. The facility also uses the heat generated by burning the landfill gas in the drying process to create wood pellets.

Linton comments: 'This acquisition fits perfectly within our core green energy business by producing electricity from landfill gas. Additionally, some of the excess heat from the natural gas engines is used in the drying process to create wood pellets.

'We are looking forward to increasing production in both electricity and pellets over the next 12 months to meet the increasing demand for electricity and wood pellets. This is because utilities are retiring their coal and nuclear power plants and facing increased demand for clean renewable energy. The demand for wood pellets around the world is increasing as coal-fired electrical generation plants convert to wood pellet fired electrical generation plants.'

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