
JLEN invests £11m in Scottish AD plant

Environmental infrastructure investment fund JLEN has invested £11 million (€12.5 million) in an anaerobic digestion (AD) facility in Scotland.

The Peacehill Farm AD plant in Fife was commissioned in December 2015. It has a capacity of around 5MW and predominantly produces biomethane to be exported to the national gas grid. The Peacehill Farm AD facility is accredited under the Renewable Heat Incentive and Feed-in-Tariff schemes and houses a 0.25MWe CHP engine on site.

The investment marks JLEN's eighth investment in the agricultural AD sector and increases the total capacity of its renewable energy assets to 302.9MW.

"We are pleased to build upon our growing portfolio of agricultural AD plants through the acquisition of the Peacehill Farm AD plant," said Richard Morse, JLEN's chairman. "As with our other AD plants, it has a proven operational history and is supported by a high proportion of inflation-linked revenues backed by government subsidy regimes. We look forward to working with our partners at Peacehill Farm."

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