In conversation with Giulia Cancian
Bioenergy Insight speaks to the newly-appointed secretary general of the European Biogas Association
What were you doing before joining the European Biogas Association (EBA) as secretary general?
"I started my career at the European Biodiesel Board working on sustainability
and trade and later worked for other trade associations covering due diligence of raw materials and energy. My last post was with Bioenergy Europe, where I was heading the advocacy department."
Based on your experience in the sustainable and energy sectors, what have been the biggest developments in the renewable energy sector in the recent years?
"When I started, renewables were a growing niche — today it is uncontested that they must become the future of our energy system. Nevertheless, the road to achieving decarbonisation is still long and bumpy. When we look at the transport or the heating sector, despite the recent growth of electric vehicles and renewable solutions for heating, decarbonisation is still largely...