
IMS ECUBES launches advanced fuel cell combined heat and power (CHP) system

IMS ECUBES, a multinational clean power infrastructure specialist, has launched a fuel cell combined heat and power (CHP) system at the European Utility Week conference in Barcelona.

Providing electricity at KW scale, the system is the first of a planned range of fuel cell CHP systems, which will ultimately provide electricity at MW scale, alongside useable heat.

CTO of IMS ECUBES, Ben Todd, said: “The IMS ECUBES CHP system allows power grid operators to bridge the gap between customer demand and the variability of renewable energy sources.

“The overwhelming majority of systems in place to address this issue generate significant carbon emissions. Our fuel cell CHP system allows power grid operators to maintain the zero carbon benefits of renewable energy provision, during periods when there is little or no renewable energy supply to the grid. 

“I believe that we are on the cusp of a revolution in the development and deployment of fuel cell CHP systems like ours and that they will become commonplace over the next 10 – 15 years, enabling more consistent zero carbon energy generation and supply.” 

Renewable energy sources  

President of IMS ECUBES, Aleksander Gerbec, said: “The IMS ECUBES CHP system allows power grid operators to bridge the gap between customer demand and the variability of renewable energy sources.

“The overwhelming majority of systems in place to address this issue generate significant carbon emissions. Our fuel cell CHP system allows power grid operators to maintain the zero-carbon benefits of renewable energy provision, during periods when there is little or no renewable energy supply to the grid.” 

In a statement, IMS ECUBES said it was already in discussion with a number of grid operators and was seeking “utility partners with ambitious clean energy ambitions, keen to be part of the first wave of early adopters of this key enabling technology”. 



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