
Hydrothermal carbonisation and the future of organic waste

UK firm Antaco discusses its hydrothermal carbonisation technology and a recent project at a wastewater treatment plant in Switzerland.

Based in the UK, Antaco secured its first multi-million-pound contract to manage a water utility’s sludge; according to the company, this was the first contract of its kind in Europe. Now, Antaco is on-site in Switzerland at an undisclosed location in the process of integrating its hydrothermal carbonisation (HTC) technology to a customer’s wastewater treatment plant.

Bioenergy Insight caught up with Antaco’s head of business development, Nicholas Hall, to find out more about the project and his thoughts on the future of organic waste.

In a nutshell, what does Antaco do?

Antaco has developed a renewable energy solution to make the world cleaner and we aim to become a global technology leader in turning organic waste into carbon-neutral fuel. Quite simply, we process any type of organic waste — wet, dry or woody — and convert it into a brand new form of biofuel we call ‘biocoal’.

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