
Hitachi Zosen Inova to build US’ first Kompogas project

Waste to energy firm Hitachi Zosen Inova (HZI) will build a 33,000 tonne per year dry anaerobic digestion facility in San Luis Obispo, California. The project is being financed by a Design, Build, Finance, Own Operate deal from the Japan Bank for International Cooperation.

HZI say that the new plant is set to be the first Kompogas project in the US. It will be completed as a joint venture between HZI Zurich, HZI USA, and the parent company Hitachi Zosen Corporation (HZC) in Osaka, Japan.

Once operational, the plant will produce around 2.9 million Nm3 of biogas, and 20,000 tonnes of compost and liquid fertiliser annually from 33,000 US tons (30,000 tonnes) of green waste and biowaste.

As well as engineering, procurement and construction of the plant, HZI and HZC will also be financing, owning and operating the San Luis Obispo facility. The 20 year maintenance and operations contract will come into force after commissioning in summer 2018.

6200 MWh of electricity will be generated from the biogas produced by the plant. HZI said this would be enough to cover the annual consumption of more than 600 US households. Meanwhile, the compost will be sold separately as high-grade fertiliser for farming and household gardening. 

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