
Gasunie to convert natural gas pipeline into biogas carrier

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Gasunie, the Dutch natural gas infrastructure and transportation company, has announced its decision to convert a 60-kilometre natural gas pipeline to transport regional biogas to its network from the beginning of 2024. The pipeline runs between Emmen and Ommen in the Netherlands.
The company expects the conversion to mitigate increased congestion in the regional networks, and the first biogas is expected to flow through by August 2025.
Gasunie added that the Netherlands is producing more and more biogas, in line with the Climate Agreement to produce two billion m3 (2bcm) of green gas by 2030.
This increasing volume is causing more and more congestion in the regional pipelines through which the various producers transport their biogas, according to the company.
With the decision to convert the natural gas pipeline from Emmen to Ommen into a transport pipeline for biogas, one central pipeline will be realised for the transport of biogas by producers in this region.
An existing pipeline will be modified at Gasunie valve locations, and at connections to the regional grids, ensuring minimal impact on the surrounding environment.
"Gasunie is working with other parties on ways to make green gas affordable and deliver it on a large scale," said Gasunie. "The realisation of this new central pipeline to prevent congestion is a new impetus for this."

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