
Gasification specialist Advanced Plasma Power appoints business leader Sir John Parker as chairman

UK-based gasification company Advanced Plasma Power (APP) has announced the appointment of Sir John Parker as its chairman.

This news comes hot on the heels of the appointment to the Board of David Parkin, Director of Network Strategy for Cadent (formerly National Grid Gas Distribution), signalling a real intent on the part of the company to position itself for rapid and sustained growth.

Cadent and Advanced Plasma Power have started construction of the world’s first commercial plant to convert household waste to bio-substitute natural gas (BioSNG/”green gas”) in Swindon. The facility, supported by both Ofgem and the Department for Transport, will begin operating in early 2018, and will accept 10,000 tonnes of local waste, producing 22GWh of green gas per annum, enough to heat 1,500 homes or fuel 75 heavy goods vehicles (HGVs).

Rolled out nationally, the technology has the potential to fuel all of the UK’s heavy goods vehicles, or meet one third of domestic heating demand. Whilst electricity generation has seen major progress in recent years, the decarbonisation of heat and transport – accounting for over two thirds of energy usage - have proved far more stubborn challenges and represent established government priorities. Green gas delivers reductions in greenhouse gas emissions of around 80% compared to traditional gas.

The Swindon project will clearly demonstrate the technical, economic and environmental feasibility of producing green gas from waste - and will catalyse the development of further plants in the UK and overseas.

In a further boost to the Board’s capabilities and international reach, it has also appointed Professor Paul Moayyedi of well-known Canadian research university McMaster as a non-executive director.

Sir Parker said: “I am delighted to be joining the main Board as Chairman at this exciting time in the company’s evolution. Thanks to the support from Government and visionary shareholders, this is a perfect example of how UK innovation can transcend the commercialization chasm and ultimately provide a real boost to the UK economy. It is precisely the type of SME that our industrial strategy should be nurturing and supporting.”

Moayedi, representing the founding shareholders, said: “I am thrilled to welcome Sir John and am hugely confident that he will provide invaluable guidance and experienced leadership to the Board at this very exciting time in the company’s development. I couldn’t think of a better candidate for this role.”

Rolf Stein, the CEO of Advanced Plasma Power, explained: “Advanced Plasma Power is exceptionally well positioned for the rapidly emerging and significant global opportunity to supply technology for de-carbonising the heat and transport sectors. We are delighted to welcome Sir John, who is certainly no stranger to our development over recent years, and who will play a critical role in helping us achieve our potential.”

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