
Frigoscandia orders 73 biogas vehicles from Scania

Frigoscandia, a temperate food logistics company in Sweden, has ordered 73 biogas vehicles from Scania.

In total, Frigoscandia ordered 112 new trucks, representing the largest order of gas-powered heavy trucks in Sweden. The vehicles will be distributed between Frigoscandia’s subsidary, Svebol Logistics, which mainly has transport operations in Stockholm area and Mälardalen, and Frigoscndia Åkeri, which operates throughout the country.

The order covers several types of trucks for long-distance transport, regional transport, and local distribution. Of the 69 long-distance trucks, the majority are powered by liquid biogas and the others by rapeseed methyl ester - a biodiesel produced from rapeseed oil.

“At Frigoscandia, a transition to fossil-free operation is now underway, where we are gradually replacing our conventional diesel trucks with vehicles that are powered by safe renewable fuels,” said Peter Haveneth, CEO of Frigoscandia.

“The goal for us is to achieve fossil-free operation by 2025 and these new vehicles are an important step in the transition.”

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