
FortisBC proposes to supply 100% renewable gas for newly-built homes

FortisBC has put forward a proposal for every newly-built home connecting to the gas system to automatically receive 100% renewable gas for the lifespan of the building.

Approval of this proposal to the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) would mark a new era in the evolution of FortisBC’s renewable energy programmes.

Renewable gas, including RNG available in the gas system today, and hydrogen, syngas and lignin, which could be delivered by the gas system in the future, can help dramatically cut greenhouse gas emissions from homes and businesses without changing out heating equipment.

“If approved by the BCUC, this would give every British Columbian a choice on how best to reduce GHG emissions from their new home,” said Joe Mazza, vice-president of energy supply and resource development at FortisBC.

“We realise there’s much to consider in the proposal we’ve put forward, but we’re excited about the prospect of a new generation of FortisBC customers knowing us as a renewable energy provider.”

FortisBC is on pace to exceed its target of having 15% of its gas supply being renewable by 2030 and is working towards having approximately 75% of its supply be renewable by 2050.

The application aproposes that existing residential natural gas customers would automatically receive a small percentage of renewable gas as part of their gas supply by 2024. FortisBC’s existing voluntary RNG programme – North America’s first – will continue, providing customers with the option to select how much additional renewable gas they would like to receive.

“Our review of our RNG programme dove into the outlook of renewable gas to serve British Columbians, including supply and demand for renewable gas, customer programmes, supply cost and recovery mechanisms as well as current energy policies and objectives.

“We see the potential for renewable gases, like RNG, to accelerate the goals of the government’s CleanBC Roadmap in an innovative and affordable way, by using an existing system that moves and stores energy incredibly well.”

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