
EU fails to recognise renewables’ contribution to transport decarbonisation

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The European Parliament Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) voted on its Report on the Revision of Regulation EU 2019/1242 on 24 October, setting CO2 emission performance standards for new heavy duty vehicles.
The ENVI Committee position does not include a mechanism or definition that is able to account for the contribution of renewable fuels, such as biomethane, in the decarbonisation of the transport sector.
The European Biogas Association (EBA) said that transport operators and vehicle manufacturers should be provided with a legislative framework that encourages consideration of cleaner fuel alternatives to fossil fuels.
According to the EBA, sustainable biomethane as a transport fuel provides a ready-available, local and cost-competitive renewable alternative to conventional transport fuels, representing a key solution in the transition towards a climate neutral economy.
It is even able to achieve negative emissions necessary to attain the EU climate neutrality targets, it added.
“The biogas and biomethane value chain regrets the ENVI Committee decision not to recognise the contribution of renewable fuels, such as biomethane, to the decarbonisation of the transport sector, thus risking to significantly delay the green transition of the sector,” said Giulia Laura Cancian, EBA secretary general.

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