
EnviTec Biogas enters Estonian market

German company EnviTec Biogas has entered the Estonian market with orders for two biogas upgrading plants.

The company marked its debut into the country with a double order for its EnviThan gas upgrading facilities. Both units will be extensions to existing biogas facilities. During the estimated six-month construction project, the customer, AS EG Ehitus, a subsidiary of gas network operator AS Eesti Gaas, has completed the necessary pipe-laying work.

Lars von Lehmden, managing director of EnviTec Anlagenbau, said: “Our two projects in Tartu and Vinni give us an important foothold in the Baltic market for our EnviThan technology.

“We’re now delivering the raw gas components, including the purification and gas upgrading systems, all of which are pre-fabricated as custom parts at out Saerbeck facility and are now ready for shipping.”

Before biogas can be fed into the existing natural gas network, it must first be purified and conditioned. This step will be handled by the EnviThan biogas upgrading technology. This environmentally friendly and cost-effective process sees EnviTec Biogas equip its gas upgrading equipment with membrane modules from Evonik Fibres. Von Lehmden said: “These hollow fibre membranes clean the raw biogas generated in the biogas plants exceptionally well, resulting in a final methane content of 97% purity by volume.”

The gas upgrading plant in Vinni is scheduled to be operational by the end of June and will run on biogas derived from wet and solid manure, flotates and vegetable, harvest and food resides. The Tartu facility will operate using biogas produced from wet and solid manure and harvest residues. Both plants will feed their biomethane into the existing natural gas network.

Envitec Biogas has completed seven biogas plants in neighbouring Latvia. The company says gas upgrading plants are a “new kind of venture” for the Baltics.


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