
Energy company signs agreement to boost biomethane production in Ethiopia

Sustainable energy firm Gaia has signed an agreement with a waste-to-energy company to boost biomethane production in Ethiopia.

According to a report by ESI Africa, Gaia signed the agreement with 4R Energy to increase production and security of Ethiopia's energy supply. The two firms will work with environmental company Lem-Ethiopia and Addis Abada Water and Sewage Authority to develop a green business concept. The concepts will leverage an updated biomethane system and be applied at the Kaliti and Akaki Wastewater treatment plants.

The biomethane produced from the sewage treatment plants will be used to power businesses and households. It will replace liquid petroleum gas, kerosene, charcoal and woody biomass.

Alan Schilli, managing director at Gaia, said: "With this pioneering project and the strong local partners, Gaia expects to open up a whole new market sector in Ethiopia. Furthermore, this private-public partnership project aims to create social and economic benefits for the local community and sets a good ground for greening the economy.

"There is huge demand for affordable renewable energy solutions, especially for household cooking needs. Waste-to-energy projects could be a prominent answer. However, the road is long: One of the key barriers in Ethiopia is the lack of experience in biomethane production plants."

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