
Ence Biogas invests €120m into Aragon biomethane plants

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Ence Biogas will invest €120 million to start up six biomethane and fertiliser production plants in Aragon.
The project, declared of regional interest by the Government Council, includes the development, construction, start-up and operation of a total of six plants, which will be located in various locations in the Aragonese region.
Specifically, in the province of Huesca, three of the six will be located in the municipalities of San Esteban de Litera, Barbastro and Alcolea de Cinca.
The company's project also includes Zaragoza, a province where two plants will be installed, in the towns of Belchite and Zuera. One plant will be located in Teruel.
The investment includes the industrial installations of the six plants for the production of biomethane and fertilisers, as well as the auxiliary infrastructures and the conditioning of accesses to the plants.
It also includes the power lines to supply energy to the plants and gas pipeline branches to inject the biomethane produced into the existing gas infrastructure.
Although Ence Biogas has not specified when the plants will come into operation - each has a specific deadline - it is estimated that the construction phase will take between 18 and 20 months.

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