
Elengy launches bioLNG-loading service

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Elengy is launching a service for loading bioLNG into tankers and microLNG carriers at its Fos-sur-Mer and Montoir-de-Bretagne terminals.
The move comes as a result of European Regulation 2022/966, which made it possible to decide on the implementation of liquefaction by equivalence of European LNG terminals.
The biomethane injected into the gas network can thus be transformed into bioLNG by equivalence without volume limitation, thus optimising the existing infrastructure.
Last November, Elengy's terminals obtained International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) as liquefaction plants.
Due to the EU regulation and this certification, Elengy can now convert biomethane Proof of Sustainability (PoS) transmitted by the customer into bioLNG SOPs by performing equivalence liquefaction for the loading of tankers, and loading of small-scale LNG carriers.
The Proofs of Sustainability (PoS), valid throughout Europe, carry information on the sustainability of inputs, processes, and carbon content.
They are intended to become the main traceability tool for gaseous biofuels and to be demanded by Elengy's customers.
Consequently, Elengy will receive proof of biomethane sustainability with the terminal as its destination, and will provide one or more proofs of bioLNG sustainability up to the volumes loaded into tanks or micro-LNG carriers.
When the conversion to BioLNG is carried out, the company's customers will be able to use it for various uses such as the decarbonisation of heavy and maritime mobility or for the decarbonisation of industrial processes.
These BioLNG sustainability proofs will thus enable the customer to develop BioLNG within the framework of all downstream mechanisms: ETS1 and tomorrow ETS2, IRICC, FuelEU Maritime, etc.
Elengy's service thus offers all the responsiveness and flexibility allowed by ISCC rules.
It has no capacity limits while offering a very low carbon content (1.4348gCO2eq /MJ) and great operational flexibility, according to the company.

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