E.ON to open its first biogas plant in Poland next year

The facility, which will have an installed capacity of 1 MWe in high-efficiency cogeneration, will be installed near Pultusk.
E.ON said this investment is part of its strategy, in actively participating in the energy transition.
The organisation added that Poland is still not harnessing the full potential of renewable energy sources, and so it is drawing on the E.ON Group's extensive international experience to begin investing in the sector.
E.ON Group has experience in the field of biogas installations in Germany, as well as in Denmark. The Group's know-how encompassees the design of installations and biogas combustion processes, as well as the injection of biomethane into the network.
As part of the development of its potential on the biogas market, E.ON Polska has established cooperation with Biowatt SA.
It is one of the leading contractors of this type of investment in Poland's domestic market, according to E.ON Polska.
Biowatt SA has developed a design for an agricultural biogas plant and will be responsible for its operation in the first two years of operation.
The plant will employ approximately 8,000 people, and will produce approximately 8 GWh of green energy per year.
E.ON Polska said it plans to operate the biogas plant in accordance with the principles of the circular economy.
The plant will use agricultural biomass substrates and waste. The biogas plant will distribute the post-digestate material as a fertiliser rich in microelements for the needs of local farmers. This will both support the surrounding community and reduce the carbon footprint associated with its transport, as it will be used locally, said E.ON Polska.
Work on the construction of the facility has already started, and the completion of the investment and launch of energy production are planned for the end of 2024.
“Cities and industry will need energy at a significantly higher level than before," said Jakub Roszkiewicz, president of E.ON Polska Solutions. "We want to start a new journey towards a carbon neutral future in Poland. Such a beginning is the first agricultural biogas plant in our country, thanks to which E.ON will provide green energy to the grid at the end of 2024."