
Drax admits Louisiana pellet production facilities breach toxic pollutant limits

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British energy giant Drax Global has disclosed to the state of Louisiana in the US that its wood pellet production facilities emit hazardous air pollutants above their permitted limits.
Drax operates seven wood pellet production facilities across four states and paid out $2.5 million in fines for violating air emissions limits in Mississippi in 2020 and $3.2 million pollution-related settlements in Louisiana in 2022.
Following pressure from lawsuits brought by environmental advocacy groups, the company agreed to install pollution controls in 2021 in its three production facilities across Mississippi and Louisiana.
However, the new controls did not appear to bring the company within its permitted limits for more dangerous chemicals - hazardous air pollutants - at its Louisiana plants.
Drax commenced testing in August last year, and six months later, informed the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality that both facilities should be considered a “major source” of hazardous air pollutant emissions.
The tests revealed that Morehouse BioEnergy LLC and LaSalle BioEnergy LLC emitted high rates of probable carcinogens acetaldehyde and formaldehyde and a total of more than 38 tons per year of toxic or hazardous air pollutants emitted from each site, company documents said.
The current permitted limit for each facility is 10 tons for a single pollutant or 25 tons for a combination of hazardous air pollutants.
Michelli Martin, a spokesperson for the company, said in an emailed statement that Drax chose to test the Louisiana facilities based on new industry data, and was intended to “ensure full transparency” with authorities and “make necessary updates in 2024.” Drax said it was applying to update its permit to allow for the higher amounts of emissions.

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