
Czechia “could see dozens of biomethane stations built”

The Czech Republic is still lagging behind the European average in biomethane production, with only units of biomethane stations in operation at present, but dozens more may be built in the coming years, Czech biomass association CZ Biom said.
The growth of biomethane production will be mainly supported by current agricultural biogas plants, of which there are now almost 400 in the country.
Their potential is based not only on the fact that they are the most numerous but also on the fact that three quarters of all available raw materials from which biomethane can be produced are agricultural waste. The remaining quarter is made up of sewage sludge and household waste.
"The greatest potential for biomethane production lies in the conversion of existing agricultural biogas plants and biogas plants in wastewater treatment plants.
Existing cogeneration units will retain these biogas plants to produce electricity and heat for their own operation or to provide flexibility to the electricity market operator, but will use most of their biogas production to produce biomethane," said Peter Novotny of the Circular Economy Institute.
According to experts, the main obstacle to the development of biomethane production is the lack of operational support. Although the European Commission last year approved state support for biomethane worth about Kc60bn, it will only be possible to join the programme until the end of next year, CZ Biom noted.

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