Czech government announces €20 million biomass scheme

Under the specific objective of promoting renewable energy, the government allocated 500 million Czech koruna (€20 million) in the framework of the Operational Programme Technologies and Applications for Competitiveness (OP TAK), reported CE Energy.
The level of support will be determined by the size of the enterprise and the type of eligible expenditure from 30 per cent to 65 per cent.
The total eligible costs for the project must be at least 8 million Czech koruna (€318,000 euros) and a maximum of 300 million Czech koruna (€12 million euros).
“We see the basis of the future of the Czech energy sector in the core and development of renewable sources. That is why we have long focused on supporting the transition of Czech companies from fossil fuels,” said Minister of Industry and Trade Lukáš Vlček.
“The supported activities of the current call include the construction of heat sources from biomass, including combined heat and power generation, and the transfer of heat through heat distribution facilities to the place of consumption. This allows them to be more energy self-sufficient, reduce their operating costs and at the same time contribute to environmental protection.”
The aim of the call is to support and make the use of renewable energy sources, especially biomass from own production, more attractive for new beneficiaries. It supports the efficient and economical use of renewable energy sources, increasing their share and thus reducing the consumption of primary energy sources such as coal, oil or natural gas.
Applications can be submitted for a year starting from 9 January 2025 to 9 January 2026.