
Construction begins on biogas plant located at Finland’s oldest manor estate

Construction has begun on a biogas plant to be co-located with the historic Qvidja castle in Finland, with the goal to develop sustainable agriculture.

The Qvidja castle, situated on the Lemlahdensaari isle in Parainen, is Finland’s oldest manor estate, with building recorded as having begun in mid-15th Century.

Two years ago it passed into the ownership of Ilkka Herlin, who wants to make the 250 hectare farm estate producing wheat, barley, oats, and sugar beet emission-free and self-sufficient in energy and fertiliser.

The Qvidja Company researches opportunities and innovation in methane gas production, name using wood chips as feedstock.

Early on the biogas project was thought capable of providing power only to the estate, but as plans progressed it became clear that there would be energy surplus.

“We believe that in the future we will be able to produce and sell quite a lot of biogas at Qvidja,” said Herlin.

According to Herlin, the production methods being tested at the castle could play a major role in future energy production in Finland.

“There is a lot of potential in Finland. If we manage to transform wood chips into carbon monoxide and then to biomethane, the opportunities could be enormous.”

“The situation is very interesting and we’re rather optimistic,” he added.

Construction at the site is projected to be completed in early 2017.

This article was written by Ilari Kauppila, deputy editor at Bioenergy Insight

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